Staring into all my tomorrows.
Blinded by yesterday’s sorrows…
I see so clearly the love that stands in front of us.
It stands for nothing if not for trust.
Charades parade…
Love’s long look left its gaze
On us. Embracing all our chances
Girding loins and stances
Against the winds that want us to break
We may bend before we ache… Embrace the wind
Regret no sins…
Love’s long look left its gaze
On us. Keep a lantern lit for us
May that warmth keep up the lust
Sparks to fire, tame the wire.
It’s that of you that I admire. Embrace the wind
Regret no sins…
Never had neither…to begin.
Love’s long look left its gaze
On us.
On us.
On us.