Good morning, world!
I want to be very clear in my message this morning. I hate people who hate Mondays.
I am an ‘up’ and positive person. I often times call myself a 24-hour person.
One of my favorite singer/songwriters, John Gorka, wrote a song called ‘Night Is A Woman.’ The chorus of which goes ‘Night is a woman who embraces me.’ Typical for a writer, singer, show-person to prefer the night time. But, I am a 24-hour person. I do as well during the day as I do at night as I do overnight.
Some of this stems from my early career as a producer/engineer in the news business. I used to work evenings and overnights almost exclusively for 10 years. Ever since I became a “9-5” type, I have found beauty in all times and all days.
Therefore, Monday is no different from Friday.